
Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE)


Department of Education Undersecretary for Muslim Affairs, Dr. Manaros B. Boransing, gives the following definition and types of madrasah in the Philippines: Madrasah (pl. madaris) generally refers to Muslim private schools with core emphasis on Islamic studies and Arabic literacy. It is a privately-operated school which relies on the support of the local community or foreign donors, particularly from Islamic or Muslim countries. The madaris are the oldest educational institution in Mindanao and are recognized to be the single most important factor in the preservation of the Islamic faith and culture in the Philippines.

What is ALIVE?

It means Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE). It is a program being implemented in the public schools which aims to provide additional subjects on Arabic Language and Islamic Values in the regular basic education curriculum. The inclusion of ALIVE program has started in 2005. The Madrasah Education, ALIVE Program was created to provide the Muslim learners with a quality education that is responsive to their needs to acquire knowledge and skills with values anchored on the Islamic faith to prepare them for further learning and challenges in society today.

Baclaran Elementary School Unit I has been providing the Muslim learners the Islamic knowledge, values, and culture. Muslim learners in school started attending regular classes as well as attending Madrasah either on weekdays or weekends. The school provides for an enriched teaching curriculum for Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education which is taught in addition to subjects in the Basic Education Curriculum for all Muslim learners from Grades One to Grade Six.

What is “Musabaqah”?

“Musabaqah” which literally means competition in Arabic. It describes the competition of Qur’an recitals.

Musabaqah is a national exhibition of talents festival is composed of the following categories : 

  1. Harf Touch,
  2. Arabic spelling
  3. Islamic Values education Quiz Bee
  4. Qur’an Memorization (Hifdhul Qur’an)
  5. Qur-an Reading (Qiraatul Qur-an)
  6. Call to Prayer (Adzan)
  7. Choir (Islamic Song)
  8. Oration (Nadeehah)
  9. Logo Making
  10. Regional Booth                                 

    It aims to provide the Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) learners with opportunities to showcase their skills and talents through exhibitions of their performance.

Asatidz Training on different online platforms using Gmeet, Zoom and messenger classroom.

ALIVE Madrasah Benching Marking at Taguig City Division 2019

Division Level Musabaqah 2019, 2nd Place for Call to Prayer (Adzan) Category

ALIVE Madrasah School Recognition 2019

Division Musabaqah & Maranao Festival 2018

Regional Level Musabaqah Contest, 2nd Place Arabic Spelling 2018