

math month celebration 2025

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math month celebration 2022


This year Math Month Celebration is the 2nd time that we conduct the activities virtually since we are still in the midst of COVID 19 pandemic.

          Baclaran Elementary School Unit I conducted the Math Month Celebration with the theme “Mathematics Unites”. The activities started through virtual planning headed by the School head, School Math Coordinator and Math Grade Level Coordinators in the first week of January. In the second week, program of activities posted in the FB page of the school. The activities done by grade level, Grade 1- Tiktok Dance and Grade 2- Math Jingle. On the third week activities were postponed due to health break and continue on the third week. Grade 3 Math Song Interpretation, Grade 4 conducted Quiz Bee, Grade 5 Poster Making Contest and Grade 6 Making Infographics. These activities were done virtually. The overall activities were posted in fb page as video presentation.



Mathematics remains the most feared subject next to English. This is true despite the many efforts exhausted by our math educators, but this should not stop math teachers from exerting means and ways to allow pupils to befriend and be comfortable with Math. This is a big challenge for us Math teachers; hence, much thought was given regarding how complex processes can be simplified to meet the level of the pupils. As always and as it should be, what the learners can absorb with the utilization of interesting activities should be considered amidst of pandemic- COVID-19.


Baclaran Elementary School Unit I celebrates this year Math Month Celebration with the theme “Mathematics for a Better World”. The activities started through virtual planning headed by the School head, School Math Coordinator and Math Grade Level Coordinators. The activities done weekly. In the first week of January, program of activities posted in the FB page of the school. It includes the posting of Math Trivia and Math Tricks through fb class messenger. Each grade level conducted contest from Grade I-III pupils about Song Interpretation and Math Jingle for Grade IV-VI pupils. And the highlights of the activity, Grade Level Quiz Bee was conducted through virtual. Teachers, parents and pupils were supportive in the celebration of Math Month. Likewise, participation and cooperation were observed in this new normal activity.


The participants and winners of the said contest were given certificates and a commemorative load as a reward for their participation. The events for this month were very astounding and enjoyable to say the least.